
  • 1984-1985

    First Carousel System

    A system that makes the possibility to: save 30% in energy; better mixing of biomass; automatic DO control;better oxygenation; Definition and first application of the concept of “Retention Time“ Europrogetti developed the study to size the correct operating parameters in the biological reactor. Today it is universally recognized that the retention times, defined primarily by our studies, are those that guarantee the best efficiency and the lowest management costs.

  • 1986

    Development of the “Denitrification Process"

    The presence of ammonia or urea in the water to be treated generates an excess of nitrates in the biological process which must be removed from the system. To this end, Europrogetti has developed a technology capable of denitrifying with the use of bacteria and eliminating the presence of nitrates in wastewater, ensuring a high quality of the water leaving the clarifier with SS concentrations lower than 10 ppm.

  • 1989

    Development of the “Biofilter“

    The biofilter is a technology developed to allow the use of biological processes even in small areas. In this case the biomass adheres to fixed supports in the biological reactor. With the use of air lifts, the water is recirculated and oxygenated. On exit, the use of the clarifier is not necessary and the retention / contact times are shorter than the traditional system. It is possible to work with a biomass concentration of up to 40,000 MLSS.

  • 1994

    First biological plant in Mexico

    Plant built in 3 phases with flows from 800 to 4,500 m³/day. We have faced and solved the geographical problems of the site at + 2,500 m above sea level. The plant allows to recover 30% of treated water for industrial uses, thus reducing the very high cost of water supply.

  • 1996 -2002

    Europe’s largest plant in the textile process

    The largest European group of dyeing and finishing. The neutralization system with boiler fumes or gas cogeneration system or diesel cogeneration system was installed.

  • 2008

    First company that directly manages various ZLD plants

    For over 12 years, we have been the only company that directly manages various ZLD plants.The quality of the materials, the choice of the most efficient machinery, the maintenance of productivity standards, the reduction of management costs are a patrimony of our company that we transmit to our customers through the creation of new plants and technologies from which our experience in the sector. For this reason, in India we have created a structure controlled directly by Europrogetti that manages, supports and implements the plants we have installed and is able to offer revamping and modernization of the plants, extending the guarantee produced also in these cases.

  • 2010-2013

    First plant designed with MBR system in the textile process.

    New storage sector concept as “Multifunction tank“and first company to introduce RO pre-treatment: “Water softener and degasser. Europrogetti successfully designed the first plant in India with a capacity of 15,000 m³/day. For 4 years from the start of technology, the yields, chemical costs and efficiency of the system fully met the needs defined in the project.

  • 2016

    Development and construction of the first water recovery plant in Europe

    European Union has financed and monitored the first project in Europe capable of recycling water with a mixed biological system – MBR – RO & NF. A part of the MBR water is used for rinsing and the other part is treated with RO and NF for the recovery of the remaining 95%. In this case, the recovered water has a thermal gradient of about 20 °C, which allows energy savings and less CO2 production due to the lower amount of energy needed to heat the recovered water.

  • 2017

    The first company in the world to introduce high pressure RO membranes into the textile process and to treat PVA with anaerobic technology. Only firm that provides insurance policy for their 5-year projects

    The continuous research to optimize “O&M” management costs has led us to collaborate with the “Dow membranes” in the application of new types of membranes expressly designed for use in industrial water drains. It is possible to reach a concentration of up to 100 GPL with operating pressures reaching up to 80 bar. In this way the recovery can reach 95% with a direct system of 3 stages and 6 arrays. Therefore, we can feed the MEE with only 4 – 5% and bypass the Fouling film, directly feeding the forced circulation section. For the company, lower investment costs and lower management costs are guaranteed.

  • 2019

    The only company that can build plants with 98% recovery

    To obtain this result, a further reverse osmosis stage has been designed with a preliminary treatment of silica and calcium, to be able to use it with an adequate life of the membranes.